2024 is a year with multiple changes; may we continue to be faithful in prayer!


Week 1

Pray for personal growth and discipline with God for 2024!


Week 2

Pray for your family and friends; non-believers and believers alike.


Week 3

Pray for your community and city.


Week 4

Pray for the nation and leadership.


Week 5

Pray for people in every nation and the world; for peace and hope abound.

Happy New Year's! As we start 2024, I encourage all to spend some time talking with God each week:


Week 1

Pray for personal growth and discipline with God for 2024!


Week 2

Pray for your family and friends; non-believers and believers alike.


Week 3

Pray for your community and city.


Week 4

Pray for the nation and leadership.


Week 5

Pray for people in every nation and the world; for peace and hope abound.

Happy December! Let's end the last month of the year strong! Here are the prayer items for this month:


Week 1

Pray for nonbelievers in your family to know Jesus


Week 2

Pray for the upcoming holiday celebrations. Pray that they may be Christ-centered and that everything will run smoothly


Week 3

Pray that college students may end the semester strong and come home safely


Week 4

Pray for this fellowship as we enter a new year. Pray that this fellowship will be a light to this community

Happy November! As we are officially approaching the holiday season and the end of 2023, here are some prayer items to keep in mind!


Week 1

Pray for the world and international conflict.


Week 2

Pray for the nation and her leaders.


Week 3

Pray for your community and the people around you.


Week 4

Pray with thanksgiving for what God has given you.


Week 5

Pray for the upcoming holidays.

Happy October! Here are the prayer items for this month:


Week 1

Pray for a colleague/classmate


Week 2

Pray for a community that you are a part of


Week 3

Pray for our neighborhood Sunset Park


Week 4

Pray for Fall Festival

Week 1

Week 1

Pray for those going to school that they would not be distracted, but focus on living for God.


Week 2

Pray that families and friends around us can come to know God.


Week 3

Pray for those whose home has been affected by natural disasters that God can keep them safe.


Week 4

Pray that believers around the world can continue to have faith in God.

Hi y'all, August Prayer Items☀️

Week 1

Week 1

Pray that those around us, including friends, family, & newcomers to the church would come to know Christ.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for the health of loved ones that God can heal them.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray that believers can strengthen their faith through their devotional.

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for students among us to transition to school. Pray that God will provide for the needs of those going to college.

Hello! Happy July! Here are the prayer items for this month: Posted by Madeleine Zhang


Week 1

Pray for our country. Pray that our leaders may know God and follow Him

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for the communities affected by the wildfires

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for the mission trip

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for the unbelievers in your family to know Jesus

June Prayer Items Posted by Yingrong Yang


Week 1

Pray for the health of our friends & family! ❤️


Week 2

Pray that everyone in our ministry can grow spiritually as they continue their PDAs.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for those getting baptized on 6/25! 🙌

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for a nonbeliever to know God as we go through Mark.

Happy May! Here are the prayer items for this month. Posted by Madeleine Zheng


Week 1

Pray for someone in need of healing.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for college students wrapping up the semester and taking exams. Pray that they may return home safely.


Week 3

Pray for nonbelievers in your family.

Week 4-5

Week 4-5

Pray for an old friend you haven't talked to for a long time.

April Prayer Items Posted by Yingrong Yang 


Week 1

Pray for the retreat happening this weekend that it would be fruitful.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for believers to continue to commit to God.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for believers’ health that God will heal them & provide for their family members.

Week 4-5

Week 4-5

Pray for those who are not yet believers that they would consider getting baptized.

Hello! Apologies for the lateness. Here are the prayer items for March. Posted by Madeleine Zhang 


Week 2

Pray for our personal walks with God. Pray for an area we can work on to strengthen our walk with Him.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for a family member who hasn't come to Christ yet.


Week 4

Pray for this city that more people may come to know Jesus and that it may become a safer place.

Hi all! Our February prayer items: Posted by Yingrong Yang


Week 1

Pray for those around us who are sick that God could heal them.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray that we could be more loving, patient, and understanding towards each other just as Jesus was towards us.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for the growth and sustainment of our English Ministry at CGF. Although we’re a young group, we’re blessed that God has provided for us in new comers, offerings, & more.

Hello! Happy New Year everyone! Here are some prayer items for the first month of this year. Posted by Madeleine Zhang

Week 1

Week 1

Pray for this new year. Pray that we may continue to grow and deepen our faith.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for those in our lives that have not accepted Christ yet.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for students returning to school and those that are already in school.

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for our church, both leaders and members.

Hi everyone, it’s the most wonderful time of the yearrrr As so many things are going on in December, let’s dedicate some time for prayer and devotional for God before all else. Posted by Yingrong Yang

Week 1

Week 1

Pray for leaders at our church to wholeheartedly serve the Lord to the best of their ability.

Week 2

Week 2

Given that many of us have finals, work, etc., pray that we can do our best and give glory to God in the process.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for the members in our church that they can continue to grow spiritually in Christ. Lastly, pray for peeps that you haven’t see in awhile or have moved. Even though they’re not here, may God continue to guide them wherever they are.

Week 4

Week 4

In the final week of 2022, reflect on one way you’ve shown growth this year and praise Him for that. If you really think you haven’t grow, pray that God can build your character in the year to come.

Hello, happy November! These are some things to pray for this month. Posted by Madeleine Zhang

Week 1

Week 1

Pray for South Korea and the recent tragedy. Pray for the families and friends who have lost a loved one.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for our leaders in the church.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for the upcoming holiday season. Pray that we may be able to spend time with our loved ones and reunite with people we may not have seen in a while.

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for our country.

Hey everyone, it’s fall seasonnn! For the next few months, I’ll be posting up prayer items that you can pray for. Posted by YingRong Yang

Week 1

Week 1

Pray for your family and families in our Christian community. For members of our family that are believers, pray that they can continue to grow their faith. For those who aren’t believers yet, pray that they may know God.

Week 2

Week 2

Pray for members- new, current, and recurring- in our church that they can continue to seek growth in their faith.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for people in this city that they can have the opportunity to know God and fellowship with others.

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for those who are in turmoil in the world so that they can know God is with them through it all.

Hello!!! Happy September Below are some things that we can be praying for, for the next couple of weeks. Posted by Hester Seung, née Tse


Week 1

Pray for small groups that have been taking place on Sundays. Please be praying that it would be a place where people can open up and encourage each other in their walks with God.

Week 2

Week 2

Please be praying for students returning to school. Pray for opportunities to make new friends in order to share God’s love with them.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for Biden as he continues to make decisions for our country.

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for China.

Hello!!! Happy August! Below are some things that we can be praying for, for the next couple of weeks. Posted by Hester Seung, née Tse

Week 1

Week 1

Pray for Winfred, our intern, as he heads back to California. Pray for his future plans, specifically ministry related.

Week 2

Week 2

Please be praying for students returning to school and those preparing for the start of school next month! Pray for opportunities to make new friends in order to share God’s love with them.

Week 3

Week 3

Pray for our servant team as they continue to serve and for God to provide new leaders to join our team!

Week 4

Week 4

Pray for Ukraine.